An Analysis M-Paspor Application Service Quality Using Mobile Service Quality And Importance Performance Analysis Method Analisis Kualitas Layanan Aplikasi M-Paspor Menggunakan Metode Mobile Service Quality Dan Importance Performance Analysis Section Articles
The M-Paspor application was a platform used by Indonesian citizens to apply for passports. However, users reported complaints about the application's slow response times and frequent errors. This study aimed to evaluate the service quality of the M-Paspor application from the user’s perspective using Mobile Service Quality and Importance Performance Analysis methods. Data were collected through questionnaires with a sample of 100 respondents and 25 questions covering 14 dimensions, namely Efficiency, System Availability, Content, Privacy, Fulfillment, Responsiveness, Compensation, Contact, Billing, Satisfaction, Design/Ease of Use, Compatibility of Mobile Service, Tangibles, and Technical Reliability. The results of the study indicated that the average performance level of the M-Paspor application was 3.87, which fell into the "Good" category, while the average importance level was 4.47, categorized as "Very Important." The average value of the suitability analysis was 86.69%,, indicating that the M-Paspor application had not fully met user expectations. The IPA quadrant analysis showed there were 4 indicators in Quadrant I, which were the main priorities for improvement, namely C1, F2, H1, and J1. A total of 9 indicators were in Quadrant II, whose performance needed to be maintained, namely B1, B2, C2, D1, D2, E1, I1, L1, and M1. Meanwhile, 8 indicators were in Quadrant III as low priorities for improvement, namely A1, A2, A3, F1, G1, G2, I2, and K1. Finally, there were 4 indicators in Quadrant IV that could be disregarded for improvement, namely N1, J2, K2, and L2.

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