A Concept - The Seven Stages Of Smart City Profiling With Case Study Analysis


Indra Gamayanto
Ardiawan Bagus Herisa
Lusi Noviani Prasetyo
Herman Try Maulana
Elok Iedfitra Haksoro
Muhammad Dhanu Alvian
Fibriyana Radar Rekso Wijoyo


Planning, building, and sustaining are three different things. Planning is something fundamental to producing something. The building is executing what has been planned and developing it for the better. Maintaining is evaluating, managing, and continuously improving what has been implemented. A smart city must have these three things. If we only focus on one of these three things, then a smart city can be built, but it still needs to be put on target. A smart city is perfect, not just one side and several implementation sides. This article is the final of the three concepts regarding smart city profiling. Of course, the data set was obtained from the two previous reports and developed into the final stage, namely the seven stages of intelligent city profiling (the maturity level). Problems in smart cities include finding out whether the city/region can be built as a smart city, how to implement intelligent cities in stages, and how to measure the performance of existing smart cities. These three questions are the heart of a smart city. In this article, we will discuss the stages and levels in a smart city, and the result of this article is how to apply the seven steps of smart city profiling (the maturity level) method to a city/region and how we can find out the achievements what has been accomplished.


How to Cite
Gamayanto, I., Bagus Herisa, A., Noviani Prasetyo, L., Maulana, H. T., Haksoro, E. I., Alvian, M. D., & Wijoyo, F. R. R. (2024). A Concept - The Seven Stages Of Smart City Profiling With Case Study Analysis. JSI: Jurnal Sistem Informasi (E-Journal), 16(2), 438–461. https://doi.org/10.18495/jsi.v16i2.172