Implementasi Algoritma Boyer-Moore pada Aplikasi Kamus Istilah Komputer Berbasis Android


Muhammad Husni Rifqo


String Matching is a string matching process to find common ground between text and pattern. In the process of word search in android dictionary application is quite difficult, due to the number of data in the database, so the search process is long enough if searched one by one. To solve the problem, one of the string matching algorithms used is the Boyer-Moore algorithm because this algorithm is the most efficient match match string algorithm compared to other string matching algorithms. The purpose of this research is to apply the Boyer-Moore algorithm to computer dictionary application. The benefits of this study is expected to facilitate, especially for students of the Faculty of Engineering to search for words of computer terms for learning media. It is expected that this application gets a good response for users to be developed again in the future. This application is still there are deficiencies and can be developed again in the future, such as search is not automatically capitalized and small, can also be developed various other dictionaries such as drug dictionary, martial arts, regional languages and so forth.


How to Cite
Husni Rifqo, M., & Andilala. (2024). Implementasi Algoritma Boyer-Moore pada Aplikasi Kamus Istilah Komputer Berbasis Android. JSI: Jurnal Sistem Informasi (E-Journal), 12(2).