Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Pemetaan Lokasi Universitas Sriwijaya Dengan Memanfaatkan Google Maps Berbasis Android


Nurul Hijriani
Vanda Ayu Nintyas
Ali Ibrahim


Along with the development of technological expansion era, mobile application and GPS enable us to develop interactive GPS. In this research, campus mapping mobile applications that integrate with Google Maps based Mobile on Android specialization smartphones will be expected to meet the student's need for easy search and show specific places of Sriwijaya University in search. With the help (GPS) that indicates the user location (LBS) that will provide information based on the location on the mobile geographic, and the existing facilities Google Maps already installed in android mobile, then the application will be Easy to use by the user. Keywords: Sriwjaya University, GPS Application, Mobile Phone, Google Map, Android, LBS.


How to Cite
Hijriani, N., Nintyas, V. A., & Ibrahim, A. (2024). Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Pemetaan Lokasi Universitas Sriwijaya Dengan Memanfaatkan Google Maps Berbasis Android. JSI: Jurnal Sistem Informasi (E-Journal), 13(1). https://doi.org/10.18495/jsi.v13i1.38